It’s a family general practice…
Star Medical Centre Woodridge has a long history of providing high-quality medical services to the Woodridge Community. All services are on-site including male and female general practitioners, allied health services and pathology collection. It is conveniently located on the station road next to the centre link and close to all the public transport services. There is plenty of parking available onsite.

Vision and mission
We strive to provide high standards of medical care through teamwork while incorporating a holistic approach to not only diagnosing and managing illnesses but also providing preventive care and promoting the health and well-being of all patients. We do not discriminate in the delivery of excellent health care and target to treat every patient with dignity and respect.
Privacy Policy
Your Medical Record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff. To access our privacy policy please click here. To access information on the privacy guidelines go to
Practice Staff
Practice Manager: Karen Acton
Admin staff: Kim and Maddison
Practice Nurse: Maggie and Nee
We operate on an appointment system that allows us to provide you with optimal care. Please make an appointment with your doctor by telephoning the practice or by online booking through Hotdoc. Standard consultation lasts 10-15minutes however if you require a longer consultation example: multiple or complex problems, minor procedures or medical, please advise reception when booking the appointment.
Although we try to adhere to the appointment schedules, the unpredictable nature of a medical practice means that doctors are sometimes running behind. This is mainly due to emergency situations where patients require urgent medical attention. We sincerely regret any inconveniences caused to patients when we fall behind with our appointment schedule. We would also really appreciate that if you no longer require your appointment that you telephone us to cancel.
Telephone Calls
Doctors in our practice can be contacted via telephone during business hours. Please leave a message with the practice staff and it will be delivered to the doctor.
After Hours Service
For urgent medical attention please phone 000 as we are not an emergency medical servcie. Please contact National Home Doctor Service on 137 425 for non-urgent after-hours medical attention.
Billing Policy
As we are a bulk billing surgery if you are a holder of a current Medicare card all medicare eligible consultations will be bulk billed. Please ensure that you have your Medicare and pension card/health care card with you at the time of your consultation.
If you are an overseas visitor who does not hold a valid Medicare card please ask at the reception about the current fee schedule.
Comments and complaints
As per our mission statement, we strive to provide the best service for you. If for any reason, you aren’t happy with any aspect of our Medical Centre’s services, please inform us as we like to hear and make improvements to our practice. We send online feedback from time to time for us to hear from you. If you like to give us any feedback there is a feedback form at the front desk, please ask for it.
Results/Recall / Reminder System
The policy of the practice is to make a follow-up appointment with the doctor to receive your results. Our surgery provides recalls for patients with abnormal results. Reminders for patients on formal enrolment registers for PAP smears and other preventive care are posted out regularly. Please advise us if you would prefer not to receive reminders.
Pathology / X-ray Results/ Repeat prescriptions
In order to monitor your health and to meet our ethical and legal responsibilities, we will require you to attend an appointment with the doctor who requested the tests or another doctor in the practice in person.
Home & Nursing Home Visits
Please phone the surgery to check with the receptionist regarding Doctors’ availability.
Specialist Referrals
The Health Insurance Commission require a referral from your Doctor before seeing a Specialist, in order to obtain the maximum Medicare Rebate. It is an offense for a Doctor to Back Date a referral, so please obtain your referral before your next Specialist Appointment.
No Smoking
No smoking is allowed in the building or within 4 meters of its doors.
Zero tolerance
This practice has a zero-tolerance for violence in the workplace. All staff have the right to care for others without the fear of being abused or attacked. In order to achieve this, violent and aggressive behaviour against patients/clients, employees or members of the public will not be tolerated in any way. Violent, aggressive or abusive patients may be refused medical treatment, reported to the police and be taken off the GP’s treating list.