Men’s Health
Take charge of your health, gents. The sooner you do it, the better. “It’s not cool for a guy to wait until he’s 50 to see a doctor,” say many experts. “Men need to care about their health above the waistline as well as below.” If you’re male, you probably felt like Superman until you hit your late 30s. That’s when health issues first started nagging at you. Or when you first heard your friends complain about an achy knee or back. But as you get older, your health concerns begin to shift.
“Men in their 50s are more concerned about heart Deseas or ED (erectile dysfunction). Men in their 60s worry more about prostate cancer and their risk for dementia,” say many doctors. “They see some of the health issues their father or brother(s) are going through and wonder what steps they can take to potentially avoid them.”